Unheard Voices
International, National, New York, United NationsATD Fourth World, empowerment, Homelessness, Jose Nunez, Julia Sick, New York, NYC, Poverty and shame, Queens, Shame, Unheard Voices
March Newsletter
February Newsletter
National, NewsletterATD Fourth World, Boston, CSP, Jean Stallings, Jose Nunez, Maryann Broxton, Merging Knowledge, multidimensional poverty, Newsletter, Poverty, Poverty and shame, SHame of poverty, UMASS Boston, Unheard Voices, United Nations
A New Orleans Neighborhood Garden!
New Orleans7th Ward, ATD Fourth World, Community Garden, food activism, food deserts, Neighborhood Garden, new Orleans, New Orleans Community Garden, poverty and food, raised beds, Seventh Ward, urban agriculture
Great Video from Boston!
New Mexico Rising!
New MexicoArt, art workshops, ATD Fourth World, facebook, Gallup, gallup independent, Gallup New Mexico, mosaic workshops, New Mexico, new mexico art, new mexico mosaics
Empowerment - Jose Nunez at the UN Civil Society Forum
International, Uncategorized, United Nations#endpoverty, #SocD, ATD Fourth World, ATD Fourth World International, empowerment, Homelessness, New York, UN, United Nations
Building Peace in the Central African Republic
New Computer for New Mexico Street Library
A Beautiful Quilt!
Thank you for your support!
Get to Know our New York Street Libraries
The Walls of Gallup Prison
Adopt a Street Library
It Seems Like Poverty Is Over...
Painting in Prison in New Mexico
What is Merging Knowledge?
Street Library in New Orleans
New Orleans, Street Library7th Ward, Adtopt a Street Library, Art, ATD Fourth World, Books, Fourth World, new Orleans, Overcoming Poverty, Reading, Street Library, Touro Street
Food Stamps as Seen Through the Lens of Merging Knowledge
Breakfast Dialogue on Financing for Sustainable Development