A New Orleans Neighborhood Garden!


One of the ideas to come out of our series of Stoop Talks in New Orleans has been that there is a real lack of fresh fruit and vegetables in the neighborhood - and that the places which do sell decent produce are far too expensive for many people. To try and explore other possibilities in a way that is people-centered and community-building, our team has opened up the yard near their office in the 7th ward for a new neighborhood garden.

The space is visible to the neighbors, and some have already been coming over to help and get involved while a lot of them clearly expressed their desire to join the project. Beyond taking care of the banana trees that are already there, an activity on the 15th brought a few folks together to build the first raised beds.  The next step is a delivery of soil coming in this week, and then to get things planted!The whole project is in its early exploratory stages of course, but our team is really excited by the enthusiasm shown so far!garden2
