Get to Know our New York Street Libraries

We talk so much about our Street Libraries - we thought maybe you'd like to get to know some of them!Here's a bit more about two of our New York Street libraries:

Where does it happen?

In a housing project in the Ocean Hill neighborhood in Brooklyn and in a shelter for homeless families in Queens

What are the kids’ favorite books?

dont let the pigeon drive the busIt’s Okay to Be Different, Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, and Animalia

What are the kids’ favorite activities?

Drawing squirrels, ships, trees, and owls with pastels, and making name boards out of popsicle sticks and paint.

What does the community think of the project?

They want the activities to keep happening in the winter, so they’re trying to get us a space indoors.People from the neighborhood give us books, pieces of fabric, and other fun stuff to use in the Street Library

What’s rewarding about the Street Library?

Seeing the kids figure out how to read a word on their own and noticing progress in their reading.--And don't forget - there is still time left to Adopt a Street Library before the end of the year!