Phase 4: Grow our reach with activism


ATD Fourth World Activists who are long-time participants taking a lead to reach out to and build relationships with others deeply impacted by poverty, beginning a new cycle and creating new programs.

People with an experience of poverty who have been part of ATD Fourth World’s programs and previous phases become activists and leaders in the community and future program development. They do outreach and build relationships with other people deeply impacted by poverty. They often know where the programs are needed most, empower their neighbors, and use a collective voice to advocate for the rights of their communities. Further, ATD Fourth World’s reach is extended every time a professional service provider or other influential person who has participated in our programs realizes that the expertise of a person with lived experience of poverty is required for any real success in combating poverty.

By extending our reach, ATD Fourth World Activists build a new cycle of programs, with new participants, for phase one, advancing our approach to ending poverty and creating a culture without such injustice.