Stronger Together: An Action Research to Learn from Families

“I don’t want my kids to go through what I went through.” We hear those words often from parents who have experienced poverty, here in New Mexico and Arizona, but also throughout the more than 30 countries where ATD Fourth World works. Parents make great efforts to give their children the best life possible-- to keep their family together--and yet it often feels like an uphill battle: even the best-intentioned services and supports are not always what the family knows it needs to thrive.

ATD Fourth World is carrying out an action-research internationally to tap into the expertise of parents on this subject. What did they learn from their families growing up that is a source of strength today? What do they pass on to their own children to set them up for a good life? What relationships, services or practices best support them in their efforts to help their children build a good life? 

While parents have crucial expertise on the topic, their children also have a unique perspective on what it takes for a family to thrive together. With this in mind, Story Garden children have been sharing their thoughts on the “human treasures” in their lives. 

An 11 year old girl who lives in Navajo Nation thought about the many children whose mom or dad has passed away: “My family is a treasure because I never know when they’re going to be in heaven. And I want to spend most of the time with them if I can. Because most families, they don’t really have their dad or mom or sister or brother or their pets to carry them through life or guide them. And they don’t really have relatives or a mom or a dad to spend time with. So I am thankful for that.”

We’re bringing together the thinking of children, like this 11 year old, as well as the thinking of parents and grandparents on this subject. The knowledge that comes out of this process will be shared so that it can influence practices and policies in human services in our area, and our ATD team will use this knowledge to refine, deepen and expand our work advocating for families. 

Reach out if you’d like to know more or get involved. And read on to hear more about the treasures in children’s lives!