Spaces to Teach & Learn


ATD Fourth World creates spaces and opportunities to learn from each other.

Teaching and learning are fundamental to ATD Fourth World’s work to create an inclusive society. Everyone has wisdom, expertise, and stories to offer. Everyone has intelligence, needs, and the vulnerability to learn. A relationship of teaching and learning is most fruitful between those of different experiences, perspectives, and histories. Learning from each other, we develop new knowledge and possibilities.

We need your help to create and maintain spaces to teach and learn.


ATD Fourth World’s centers in New York City and in Gallup, New Mexico are spaces where people very different from each other can teach and learn. They also serve as bases for Story Garden and other program preparation, planning rooms for United Nations testimonies and side events, welcoming places for both local and international ATD Fourth World members, and lodging for Volunteer Corps members.

Our work requires spaces to gather. Especially for those of us who have few, if any, places to gather safely, coming together gives us a sense of self-worth and hope. We all grow stronger where we feel listened to and valued. Strengthened, we can better meet the challenges of daily life. Most importantly, ATD Fourth World offers spaces that center the knowledge of people with first-hand experience to develop solutions based on this expertise.

The Gallup workspace is rented. The New York Fourth World House is owned by ATD Fourth World. Our expenses, including utilities, taxes and general upkeep are budgeted for $45,000 in 2023.

Please help us keep these important gathering spaces!