ATD Fourth World New Mexico Spring 2022 News!

Getting Ready for a Special Summer Celebration in Gamerco!

During the pandemic, children have been hit hard by being isolated from one another and by the challenges of remote learning. There is a lot to make up for, so now is the time to make good memories together!

That’s why our Gamerco Story Garden is going to turn into a festival on June 15th & 16th. Facilitators are going to run workshops from noon to 2 pm, for families to make placemats and haiku postcards and enjoy summer storytelling! To celebrate, we’ll also have a potluck picnic, so we tried a recipe. Can you guess from the pictures what we were preparing?

If you’d like to help, contact us at


Story Garden 10th Anniversary


We are celebrating 10 years of being part of the Gallup flea market! Since March 2012 the flea market community has opened its arms to welcome Story Garden.

We have grown and learned, as families and individuals have opened up to us and given us trust. We know that many families have faced challenges and we are grateful that after 10 years they continue to seek us out, just as we seek to accompany and learn from them. Our space in the market has evolved and has become a colorful meeting point. We have seen children grow and adults overcome hardship. It has become a place where new friendships are born and smiles are shared.

We would like to thank all the people, families, and organizations who have contributed to this space, nurturing good memories and genuine human connections. You are all invited to join us in September when we will celebrate Story Garden’s 10th anniversary together as a community!

Please reach out if you’d like to join the preparation team for this event: or (505) 488-3624




Story Garden on Wheels: Launching this Summer!


As we look back and celebrate the past 10 years of Story Garden, we are also excited to look ahead at what’s next. Story Garden on Wheels, our traveling Story Garden program, has its soft launch in June. From Tuba City to Pinon, back to communities closer to Gallup, Story Garden will be hitting the road! After a summer of experimentation, our Story Garden cargo van will be fully completed and equipped by September, ready for the next phase. Thank you to the many community members contributing their resources, ideas and guidance as we build this next step for connecting people, learning together and uplifting our communities


ATD Fourth World’s Internship Program is Back!

We are accepting applications for our summer and fall internship program now. If you or someone you know lives in the area (region around Gallup, NM) and are interested in a hands-on experience with ATD Fourth World, please check out this information on our internship program.

Katelryn Cheon