“Leave No One behind” Dialogue Series Kicks Off On June 29th 2016
Download the notes and the program of the event.The “Leave no one behind” Dialogue series was initiated in June 2016 prior to the High Level Political Forum and ATD Fourth World is proud of its noteworthy dialogues to date. The event held on June 29th 2016 was co-convened by the Baha'i International Community, the International Movement ATD Fourth World, SOS Children’s Villages International, and the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations.The goal for this first lunch dialogue was to flesh out the idea of “leave no one behind” and the concept of “reach the farthest behind first” by explaining what we mean in theory and in practice.” Thus, an array of stakeholders attended this 1st lunch series dialogue to highlight key practices crucial to ensuring that no one is left behind, and that policy initiatives reach those farthest behind first.These dialogues create the space to put together ideas, challenges, and concerns to build a very clear vision of what it means to leave no one behind.Convened under the Chatham House Rule these dialogues feature speakers who have innovative initiatives or who have first-hand experience of the issues discussed to bring challenging and positive experiences alike. Participants come together with a spirit of learning and sharing, and make sure to bring a higher level of substance to the content.
The format of these lunch dialogue series consists of two guest speakers that offer introductory remarks followed by a dialogue among participants.Among the speakers representatives of Member State share what and how their country envisions ‘leaving no one behind.’ What are the challenges and ideas for collaboration? What are good practices that other Member States in the room can learn from?This view is usually complemented by the remarks of a person representing a traditionally marginalized constituency who will share what the challenges are, inform us about possible steps to take, and share lived experience.The discussion at the first lunch dialogue revolved around the case study of South Korea against the backdrop of the Sustainable Development Goals #5: Achieve Gender Equality.Ideas for the future dialogues include migrants, refugees, trafficked individuals, children without parental care, people with disabilities, women farmers, informal workers, indigenous peoples, and people residing in climate affected regions and conflict zones.