International Volunteer Day 2014

December 5 is International Volunteer Day. In this video (first in a series of videos produced with ATD Fourth World Canada which we'll be sharing over the coming months), Daniel Marineau tells us more about his work and why it's so important. ATD Fourth World Volunteer Corps was born from the conviction held by ATD Fourth World’s founder, Joseph Wresinski, that humanity has an ethical imperative to make poverty history, allied to his sincere belief that human beings carry within them the courage and resources to achieve this goal.Joseph Wresinski insisted that it is only by reaching and working with the people that poverty has damaged the most, that poverty can be ended. This ambition, held by everyone involved in ATD Fourth World, is at the heart of what it is to be a Volunteer and leads to a commitment to find, support and learn from other individuals or groups who may be isolated or alone in sharing the same ideal.International Volunteer DayToday, half a century after its creation in an emergency housing camp in France, members of the Volunteer Corps are located in many parts of the world. They build long-term relationships based on trust and respect with some of the most marginalised members of society, through being present in their communities or by reaching out to them wherever they are forced to live. These encounters change everybody involved and lead to new ideas and action. The identity of the Volunteer Corps is built upon this determination to recognize, understand and be transformed by the reality of life for the millions of people who have no choice but to try and resist the worst consequences of poverty on a daily basis.The first step to joining the Volunteer Corps is often participating in an internship. If you'd like to apply for an internship with ATD Fourth World USA, click here.